[2024.11.06] Game Updates #22 - TOL Madness, Minor Additions, Tweaks, & Fixes!


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Hello everyone,

Let me start by saying that I want to apologize for the long update and lack of activity. I've recently gone through some big changes and dealt with the loss of my beloved dog. It caused me to ignore and neglect everything, and therefore I was forced to take a break to reset my mentality before returning to developing Arigon. However, I am not proud to say that I feel much better and will be doing my best to continue writing updates.

This update won't be as big as it usually is due to this. I hope you all enjoy the game, and if you have any suggestions or find any bugs, don't forget to report them on our Discord server. Thank you all for your patience and dedication. Much love from me ❤️.



  • Some donator exclusive pack prices were lowered
  • Some new donator exclusive packs were added
  • New BIS wing variants were added

👹Trials of Lagor:

  • Viewing orb was added to the TOL raid
  • Madness Challenge:
    • Increases all levels and bonuses of enemies
    • Random bosses will spawn around the room
    • Rewards: 3x Raids key (hard) and 3.5m coins
    • 1/50 Chance of obtaining a Stone of darkness

⚔️Item Upgrader:

  • Faceguard of darkness: Improved faceguard
  • Fighter torso of blood: Red variant of the fighter torso
  • Fighter torso of darkness: BIS fighter torso


  • Achievement for upgrading the Faceguard of darkness
  • Achievements for upgrading the new fighter torsos
  • Achievement for completing TOL madness solo


  • Spades have been added on top of each barrows mound which can be clicked to automatically dig into the crypt
  • Baby mole pet was added to the Giant mole
  • Global messages will now be sent when purchasing legendary capes for the first time (completionist capes, veteran cape, etc)
  • AFK tickets were added to the currency wallet
  • Godswords 'dismantle' option now functions properly
  • An ornament cloth wipe was added to the voting store which can be used to remove ornament kits
  • New plugin 'Item Indicators' was added which will show an overlay of item/weapon charges
  • Multiple pets can now be sacrificed at once when sacrificing a pet
  • Added a new achievement codex dialogue prompt interface
  • Added a new interface for viewing specific pet details


  • Skeletal horror bones will now damage the player at an increasing rate the longer it has not been picked up, and when the bone has been picked up it will heal the player and damage the boss
  • Melee attack distance was increased from 2 to 5 for all pets
  • Angelic phoenix loot will now drop directly under the player
  • The new pirate task was renamed to 'Sea pirates'
  • Pets will no longer gain experience in certain instances (slayer instance, slayer grounds, barrows moshpit, barbarian assault, and boss instances)
  • Pets will no longer gain experience if experience is locked
  • The title management interface was updated (will fix the crash when checking out the rank category)
  • Devastator necklace value was increased
  • Certain activity npcs will now ignore npc tile flags (fight caves, barrows moshpit, slayer instances)
  • Additional/duplicated hits will no longer trigger gargoyles on their last hit
  • Trident of the seas and swamp accuracy was buffed by 15%
  • Searching for an item drop via the drop viewer interface will now use the item search prompt
  • Earning experience via AFK zone will no longer add towards battle pass experience
  • Entering a God chamber in Godwars will now only remove the KC required to enter and not the full amount
  • Completionist cape will now save ranged ammunition


  • Fixed issue with Death skeletons from VoB being aggressive towards pets/familiars
  • Fixed issue with damaging tiles still damaging after the Angelic phoenix has died
  • Fixed an incorrect description for the "Prayerless pursuit" accolade achievement
  • Fixed issue with the insurance overlay showing pets as not insured when transforming their appearance
  • Fixed issue with pet variants now showing their rating overlay
  • Fixed issue with slayer tasks showing incorrect npc for the slayer plugin
  • Fixed issue with volatile masori changing to regular masori when noted
  • Fixed an incorrect reward for the Impenetrable hide achievement
  • Fixed an error with the potion decanter
  • Fixed an issue with the VoB sequencer which would lock the room from progressing
  • Fixed an issue with the accuracy text in the pet panel
  • Fixed issue with the locking state for the pet special attack panel (would show as locked even though it wasn't)
  • Fixed issue with the Slaughter completionist cape not counting as a Completionist cape
  • Fixed issue with the Blazey pet not dropping when doing firemaking actions
  • Fixed issue with strykewyrms not counting towards achievement progress
  • Fixed issue with devastator god bow's multi effect triggering on players
  • Fixed issue with Tz-tok jad pet not counting towards the PVM pets collection log
  • Fixed issue with the melee variant of demonic gorillas not having a guarantee drop
  • Fixed issues with ring of row and mass drop rate effects
  • Fixed issues with youngleff tornados not targeting Night-gazer properly
  • Fixed issue with Frostbite dagger not having 100% rate of dealing magic damage when flameburst defender is equipped
  • Fixed the issue with collection log not showing more than 100 items
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  • Ashpire changed the title to [2024.11.06] Game Updates #22 - TOL Madness, Minor Additions, Tweaks, & Fixes!

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