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    • 💸Donations: Legendary donators will now receive 25% more AP when refunding perks Weekends will now provide a 10% credit bonus when purchasing bonds Many store item prices were reduced for the end of Summer sale A new donator store tab was added for exclusive/limited-time bundles & packs Master donators will receive one additional vote for spotlights, while Mythic donators will get two extra votes. Donator Ranks will now affect herb sack capacity Grandmaster donators will no longer need to pay for bossing instances All donator ranks now have a chance to provide extra rolls when using loot keys All donator ranks will now provide additional gp when opening coin caskets   ☘️Prestige Perks: Firelighter Professional: Firelighters will do all available logs in a single action Chef's Kiss: 5% Chance to process all raw food in a single action Turbo Chef: Cooking food will be 1 tick faster Auto Composter: Automatically compost planted seeds (taken from bank or inventory)   🦁Pet Perks: Rapid fire, Fast hands, and Spell caster all have a new tier in which attack speeds above 4 will be halved Raid Combatant: Increase accuracy and damage for all raid activity by % Thick Skin Fighter: Incoming melee/range/mage damage will be decreased by % Olympian: Every 'x' tick while moving will grant 2/3rds of your agility level as experience Insane Bolter: Increase bolt proc chance by %   👹Monster Perks: Seed And Herb Collector: Seeds/herbs dropped by NPCs will go into their respective open container if possible Embedded Recoil: The ring of recoil effect will now work without the ring equipped (stackable with equipped ring)   🆕Additions: Ironmates were added to the website hiscores Charge spell was added and is fully functional Cure spell was added and is fully functional Cure other spell was added and is fully functional Some static ground item tools were added around skill zone Spade ground item was added to the barrows area Elder & Sacred harpoons now have a toggle option for disabling cooking effects Music tab can now be used properly Essence Pouch plugin was added which will show stored essences Mahogany and Arctic pine trees can now be chopped down More tree types were added to the donator zone Grimy spirit weed was added to Hespori's loot table UIMs can now withdraw any items unintentionally stored within the bank (once a week) Bonesack(e) is now fully functional "Banking" plugin was added which allows for having a right-click "Preset" option which will open the gear preset interface PoP Boosts on the weekends will now last for 5 hours New interface for voting on the next spotlight was added which can be accessed via the PoP object or the command "spotlightvote" Bossing instances will now have a client timer indicating the duration More demon soldier spawns were added Infinity rocks were added to DZ and can be accessed by Magnus miner (ores do not have freezing effects in DZ) Kalphite slayer helm can now be created   🛠️Tweaks: PoP boost base duration was increased from 2 hours to 3 Increased the chances of obtaining the Runecrafting pet Wearing farmer's equipment will now increase experience earned whilst farming Increased the maximum cap of obtainable keys from Hespori Recover special potions can now be traded and noted Watering can (8) can now be traded and noted Grimy/clean Samaden can now be traded and noted Slayer helmet aggression effect will now work on Revenants Verac's flail can now damage Hunleff through prayer Kurask's aggression radius was increased Increased the gold earned from the daily gold rush Collections logs can now only be claimed on 3 accounts per IP/UID Base damage dealt on Hespori was increased Deathslingers will now only be aggressive if they are on task Red sandstone respawn rate was increased Leaving the wilderness will now clear self damage cache if not in PVP combat Dwarf multi cannon can now be used in the Revenant's cave, Forgotten tombs Pirate and Spirit implings can now be caught Can now teleport directly out of Nomad's activity Mystery box "Fast-Unbox" toggle will now be saved on logout Last recall pet perk cost was significantly decreased Multiple amulets of rolls can now be owned at once Added new sell options amounts when selling to stores Fixes: Fixed the issue with COF not being on the spotlight list Fixed issue with vote book time stacking on login (due to this all existing times were reset) Fixed various issues with automatic pet insuring Fixed issue with pet perks clearing when sacrificing a pet that is active Fixed issue with Pyrelord summoning pouches not counting towards Skill scroll tasks Fixed issue with black hatchet animation Fixed issue with TriviaBot setting not affecting TriviaBot global messages Fixed issue with familiar specials for casting on inventory items Fixed issue with the last two items in the donator bundles tab showing incorrect icons Fixed a spelling mistake on the upgrader interface Fixed issue with strong boost card bundles not giving proper reward Fixed a visual bug with the Slayer task selection interface Fixed issue with larran keys not dropping Fixed an issue with Larrans collection log when rewards are dropped Fixed some level requirements for agility daily tasks Fixed an issue where relaying a dropped hunter trap would consume an inventory trap Fixed a couple of Trivia bot answers Fixed issue with burn willow log daily task not working when used via bonfires Fixed issue with the shift function plugin for colossal pouch Fixed issue with depositing essences into pouches taking more than needed Fixed issue with smithing action not considering the master smither perk which can save materials Fixed an issue with one of the tormented demons entrance rope Harvesting from a planted farming cabbage patch will now count towards the cabbage picker achievement Fixed issue with Hespori potions counting towards the Herblore achievement Fixed an issue with the marketplace featured icons changing when the alchemist bench is active Fixed an issue with hunter traps Removed the "Attack" option on the snow-drifts located in COF which was causing crashes Fixed some incorrect impling names Fixed issue with NPC ttk/kill message settings not saving on logout Fixed incorrect level requirements for blood pernix Fixed a spelling mistake with Wicked Tree and Sea Kraken's shout messages Fixed an issue with the jewelry enchantment spell
    • Hello everyone, Firstly I would like to apologize for my prolonged absence. For those who aren't aware, I've been through a bit of a whirlwind—moving to a new city only to unexpectedly return home due to family matters. It's been quite a journey with all the back and forth, but I'm finally settled back in and ready to work. Without delving too much into the specifics, I'm officially back now and eager to share some exciting updates with you all!    ❄️ Catacombs of Frost: New 5 man raid Invocation system which determines the possible loot Points accumulated determine the number of loot rolls 🎰 Item Upgrader: Reinforced Skiller's Backpack: Contains additional tool slots for Hunter & Smithing and an increased capacity of 350 kg. Withdrawal of items can also be made regardless of being inside a banking zone Fight torso of Ice: Stronger fighter torso variant (stats only) Judicator Armour: Combination of Inquisitor & Justicar (stats only)  ☘️ Prestige Perks: Eternal Skiller: Automatically consume stored Eternal ring experience (After 3 consumptions, will require manual interaction) ✅ Achievements: Reinforced Skiller's Backpack: Add all tools to the reinforced backpack Catacombs of Frost: Complete the COF raid Catacombs of Frost Collection: Complete the COF collection log ☑️ Collection Logs: Catacombs of Frost Clan mystery box 🆕 Additions: Battlepass season 7 Deathslingers now have their own teleport Humidify spell was added and is now fully functional Frosty Crossbow: 1/10 chance of freezing the opponent, special attack will freeze surrounding enemies Frosty armor set: 1/20 (1/10 if a frost weapon is equipped) chance of freezing opponent, increased accuracy and damage for all combat styles 🛠️Tweaks: Seren will now teleport less frequently Stone staff can now be traded Dragon platebody value was decreased All coin caskets and supply crates are now stackable Coin caskets now have a right-click "open-all" option Increased drop chance for volatile stones Firemaking pet chance was increased The rate of Runecrafting talisman rate was increased Buffed stats of the Doomcore staff Doomcore staff attack speed was changed to 5 instead of 6 Changed the "Explosive Krak" description Boogie bombs were given an item value Secateurs static ground item was added within Hespori's dungeon Increased the rate of clipping Hespori's flower buds More roseblood seeds were added to Hespori's loot table Slightly increased the number of keys given for defeating Hespori Vote books can now be stacked when activating Trials of Lagor loot table was updated for rares to be more common Arena of Avatars loot table was updated for rares to be more common Vault of Bones loot table was updated for rares to be more common Nex drop rates were updated for rares to be more common Demon soldiers now have a guaranteed drop rate every 70 kills All item upgrade chances were increased by 5% Commander Zilyana pet size was increased 🐝 Fixes: Fixed issue with Godwars bosses not providing slaughter experience Fixed issue with adventure path completion not triggering the quester achievement Fixed a text issue with the cannonball dipper achievement Fixed incorrect level requirement for the Nomad teleport Fixed issue with one of the prestige achievement tiers for reaching 25 prestiges Fixed issue with Seren teleporting into a non-multi area Baby Seren was added to Seren's drop table Fixed issue with slayer task-only monsters Fixed issue with kalphite queen's death task Fixed issue with deathslinger slayer teleports Fixed issue with ice creatures not working towards slayer task Fixed issue with the page scribing achievement not working Fixed issue with auto-pet insurance not working Fixed a potential issue causing players to become skulled when fighting wilderness NPCs Fixed issue with BOFA hitting 0s when no crystal armour is worn Fixed the issue of not being able to access presets in Seren's lobby Fixed a bug where extremely rare loot from AoA would be given in easy-mode raids Fixed an issue where the level requirement for harpoon fishing was not displaying Wilderness Rift achievement was given a more explicit definition Fixed issues with salvaging giving the wrong pet Fixed issue with Swift secateurs not working on Hespori's flower buds
    • Hello Everyone, with the most recent update I thought I'd inform everyone of some new Staff changes. We have Four promotions and One resignation during this time. Promotions Supports: - Crown. - Wtf Kid.  Moderator: - Unknown - Shadow helps/ Gim shadow Resigned: - Chalybs: He was a great member of the staff team, always helpful and supportive to each player. He helped build the community, He is always welcomed and will be missed. Thank you everyone! We hope to see you ingame! Have fun, Keep grinding, and Good Luck!  
    • 💸  Donations: A new Donator rank was added; Mythic Donator A new Mystery box (Mythic) was added to the donator store A new equipment slot for wings was added and a few wing models were added to the donator store (equipment slot can be hidden via the game frame plugin) Mythic mystery boxes were added to the random free box roll for every $100 spent Free daily mystery boxes will now roll a random mystery box based on your rank 📽️ Media:   ☘️ Prestige: The prestige cap has been increased to 25 from 10 Base points per prestige has reduced (50 = normal, 60 = adventurer, 75 = challenger) Prestige experience reduction was reduced from 5% per prestige to 3% (maximum experience reduction of 75% at 25th prestige) Prestige levels will now be viewable when hovering over a skill in the skill tab A prestige plugin was added which will recolor skill tab levels to prestige level color A colossal rune essence pouch was added to the prestige store Perks: Key Banker: 25% Chance to bank earned loot keys Herb Cleaner: Clean all grimy herbs in an instant action Social Skiller: Earn additional experience for each nearby friend Ball Dipper: Allows you to dip 3 cannonball bars at once Long Term Thief: 35% Chance to note all stolen items Speedy Scribin': Page scribing action speed reduced by 1 tick  📽️ Media:   👹 Slayer: Slayer difficulties were removed All Slayer tasks are now attached to a specific Slayer monster A new interface was constructed for when selecting a slayer task (ability to choose master, length, restrictions and will display potential points earned) The slayer accelerant pet perk was now changed to a % instead of a fixed value Base slayer points were slightly increased New perk: Slayer Master: 1% Chance of instantly killing any enemy below half hp on task Lunar Creatures (allows obtaining lunar creatures as a slayer task) Larran Collector: Increase Larran's key drop chances on wild task by 35% Boundless Killer: Ignore all slayer monster level requirements (attacking only) Supply Crated: 10% Chance of receiving a supply crate drop on task kill Long Term Slayer: 35% Chance of kills not counting toward task New Tasks: Lunar creatures Rogue Ice Titan/Rogue Giant Ent/Rogue Giant Chinchompa Ice protector/ Ice ranger Mutated bloodveld Jade Vine  📽️ Media:   🐙Sea Kraken: Hunting fish via aerial fishing will now eventually summon the Sea Kraken The Sea Kraken can only be damaged whilst using a falcon The Sea Kraken will spawn vines which players must avoid The Sea Kraken will spawn sea slugs that heal her which will need to be captured via a Box trap Defeating the Sea Kraken will yield Sea Kraken chests containing many supplies and rewards  📽️ Media:   🌲Hespori: Players can help spawn hespori by planting seeds in the planter box There is a 10% chance of hespori being cursed when summoned; which doubles his health and damage but will yield more rewards Hespori can not be damaged by normal combat means; requiring a specific method to be damaged Hespori has a shield that must be brought down before it can be damaged    📽️ Media:   🔹 Seren: Group boss with various mechanics (contains achievements, collection logs, and drops): Will teleport randomly around the map, will mark its teleport location, and if within its teleport you will be damaged Will spawn tornados for each player in the instance, must avoid them Will shoot deadly magic attack directly at your tile, must move to avoid Will bring down walls on a selected target. must break out by mining the rock Will shock all targets if they don't avoid the projectile Will shoot powerful range attacks to all targets, damage can be avoided by protecting range Will shoot base magic attacks, damage can be decreased by protecting magic  📽️ Media:    🎰 Item Upgrader: The interface was updated for better organization Volatile masori armor set: Will build up power by dealing damage and will unleash AOE damage to nearby targets (only applies for NPCs) Royal Ancestral: Additional 5% magic accuracy & damage for each worn piece (all 3 pieces will yield an additional 5% for a total of 20%) Doomcore Staff: Slow fire rate but will shoot a powerful attack that will hit nearby targets Omni Tome: Will increase elemental spell damage by 75% Swift Secateurs: 2x Experience rates, 35% more farming crop yield, and automatically bank all farming harvests. Fighter torso of Shadows: Increased bonuses  📽️ Media:    👺Monster Perks: The interface will now have a small red/green icon displaying if the perk is active or not The interface now has text displaying how many total perks have been unlocked Perks: Domino Effect: 20% chance that defeated enemies of size 1 explode on death, dealing damage to nearby enemies Pet Seeker: 15% Drop rate increase for all boss pets Crystal Sharter: Increase crystal shard drop amounts by 20%    📽️ Media:   🆕Additions: New daily tasks were added Pets can now automatically be insured on npc drop by speaking to the pet guy A new PoP boost was added: Increase clan points by 50% ;;gear will now open the wiki page More clan tasks were added Vault of Bones Madness mode was released (introduces new volatile stone drop) Royal Magic Amulet: Every 6th magic attack will have a 30% increase in accuracy and damage (does not work on players) Elemental Tomes: Air, water, and earth tomes have been added which will increase elemental spell damage by 50% Each elemental tome must have its required page created; which can be done by fletching a blank page (via burnt logs) and then inscribing the element of your choice Omni tome was added which contains the elemental power of air, water, earth, and fire and will increase spell damage by 75% Pristine Fishing Gear: Increased experience rates when fishing Fishing tomes were added New POP boost: Increased the amount of bossing tickets by 20% Booster cards can now be upgraded via the upgrader Raids were removed from the minigame spotlights and now have their own spotlight Giant Roc and Lexicus now have their collection logs Monthly check-in rewards will now have a mega reward for collecting 80% of the month's rewards  📽️ Media:   ✅ Achievements: The following achievements were added: Ice Trolls: Requires killing ice trolls Sea Kraken: Requires defeating the Sea kraken Aerial Fishing: Requires catching fish using the aerial fishing method Prestige Mastery: Requires reaching maximum prestige in a skill Barrows Mosh Pit Mastery: Requires surviving all 30 waves Volatile Masori: Requires successfully upgrading a full set of masori Fighter Torso of Shadows: Requires successfully a fighter torso Swift Secateurs: Requires upgrading a pair of golden magic secateurs Slayer Monsters: Requires killing assigned slayer monsters Doomcore Staff: Requires creating a doomcore staff Royal Ancestral: Requires upgrading a full set of ancestral Falcon Whisperer: Requires kills via a Falcon Cannonball Dipper: Requires dipping cannonball bars Page Scribing: Requires scribing elements into a blank page   🛠️Tweaks: CTRL is no longer required for pressing actions on skilling dialogue interface Pressing the spacebar with the skilling dialogue interface open will execute your last action The Larran's holder monster perk will now attempt to deposit into looting back if applicable Slayer perks can now be toggled on/off (due to this all currently unlocked slayer perks will need to be manually activated) Dwarven rock cake now has a `Guzzle` option which will take the player directly to 1 hp Weekly task base AP reroll cost was reduced from 3 to 2 Daily/Weekly tasks can now be rerolled with coins or AP (each reroll will increase the cost of the next reroll) Lizardman shamans zone is now multicombat The formula for BOFA/Crystal was reworked (previously incorrect) Sagittarian arrows equip requirement was reduced from 99 range to 75 Due to the regular mystery box being far easier to obtain, collection log rewards were reduced The calculation for monster ticket amounts has been adjusted: lower level NPCs will drop tickets at much lower rates, while higher level NPCs will drop more tickets Barrows mosh pit npc scaling and spawn amounts were reduced Skulling was adjusted and will now skull at the start of any attack action Ironmates & GIM clans cost for skipping a clan task was reduced to 1 CP Fishing equipment that has experienced modifications will now properly count for aerial fishing Change price of cooking gauntlets in prestige store Falconry activity will now allow for direct teleporting out Falcons can now be equipped outside of designated areas if the Falcon Whisperer achievement is complete Falcons no longer need to be returned for falconry or aerial fishing activities Sacred Harpoon now has an item value Dragon darts were added to Zulrah's drop table and Vorkath's drop amount was increased Radiant spirit shield will now halve all damage from TOL falling rocks Radiant spirit shield now has a 10% chance of reflecting 25% of incoming damage Skill scroll impling task amounts were drastically reduced Collection log will now detect when a log is not correct and will display a "sync" button Clan task types can now be selected when obtaining a clan task Game options for combat auto-close have now been defaulted as disabled Daily roll chances for exotic rewards were increased Donator world boss will now spawn every 3 hours instead of 5 - Monthly check-in rewards were updated   🐝Fixes: Fixed issue with omni-staff rate calculation Fixed issue with battle pass claiming Fixed various issues with the Slayer task plugin Fixed a few issues for Slayer task groupings Larran's key was removed from the Elder Chaos Druid collection log Fixed the Ice Troll collection log Fixed the incorrect sacred harpoon ID in the skiller's backpack Fixed issue with the cannonball smelting achievement (not tracking the correct ball amount) Fixed issue with bloodshed dragonfire shield noting Fixed issue with incorrect dragon chain body found from daily rewards Fixed the incorrect skill scroll level for cooking manta rays Fixed a spelling mistake with the Vorgast wilderness board task The loot opener will now properly check if items addable to the bank are within the allocated bank space Fixed issue with pet perk preset donator slots Fixed issue with a red skulling bug Fixed incorrect daily task TTK requirement for Cerberus Fixed some incorrect prices in the agility store Fixed issue with shooting starts not properly despawning Fixed issue with the Pet Synergy achievement Fixed the issue with Bofa not checking for charges correctly Spiritweed was removed from the herblore collection log Various invalid items were removed from the summoning collection log Fixed multiple issues with collections logs (not tracking properly, invisible items) Withdrawing a rune essence from a rune pouch will now check for the appropriate level Coif crafting now appropriately requires soft leather rather than hard leather Fixed issue with the bronze resolve achievement Fixed issue with drops not trigger for Giant roc and Lexicus